Registrations for the conference
Introduction to THREAT CON
Keynote - Surveillance begins at home by Eva Galperin
Q&A / Interaction Break
INT all the way - Hold my prod, I’m going Phishing! by Nitesh Bhatta
Q&A / Interaction Break
What's Hitting My Honeypots by Adli Wahid
Q&A / Interaction Break
Shift Left Using Cloud: Implementing baseline security into your deployment lifecycle by Avinash Jain
Q&A / Interaction Break
Tales of An Anthropologist in Cybersecurity by Lianne Potter
Q&A / Interaction Break
h0neytr4p - How to catch the external threat actors with an easy to configure Honeypot by Aakash Madan & Subhash Popuri
Q&A / Interaction Break
Closing Session